Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pick up your way

Is it possible to know what is better for you? It is you. It is your own life. You know that every action will have a result. But how to choose one way? You can choose a way but it might be wrong. Or not. For example, some man want to be a great musician. What has he do to reach it? He has to work hard all of the time or he just has to have a talent? And that's all the thing...
The only way to decide is to try everything. You have to try working hard, doing nothing, watching the professionals or someting else. Everything that you can imagine.
I don't know which way is better for me. I don't know if I have to wake up tomorrow in 5 a.m. and sing, sing, sing. Or I have to sleep till evening and then I will create the best song ever. But I think if I will do something as well as sing or dance or... it will be better than nothing. Right?

Monday, April 2, 2012

Fun or money?

Well, we are still talking about music. Is it hobby or job? Do we do it for fun or for money? A lot of people (including half of our relatives) think that we're just doing nothing. "What is this - music? You just sing all the time?" - they ask. The answer is no. Playing music is not just singing. It is a lot of practice, exercises. But the thing is that we love to do it. We are spending time with smiles on our faces.
Then the big question became. Do we want music to be a job? Sometimes when music become a job musicians    loses their aspiration. Because it is not the same when you playing music for yourself or when you wake up every morning and learning, learning, learning. As for me I would like music to be my profession. It is awesome when your job is the best thing in your life. To be a musician means that you don't have to go in the office every day, you don't have to do paper work, you don't have to talk with people who don't understand you. The only thing you have to do is to bring yourself and your instrument to the stage.
Well half of our band is thinking that we are not ready for earning money with music. It is not a big deal. We have time. We have to play for our pleasure right now. And when everybody in the band will be ready we'll crush the stage. Or we always can earn money separate ways but we can play together for fun.

Friday, March 16, 2012

How to turn music into the meaning of life?

We're having a big conversation about life and music. What are we going to do to enjoy the music? It's like a cornerstone for musicians. When you picked up your profession already. You have to learn a lot of stuff, you have to create new things and you should enjoy this. Because if you won't like it, if you will do this with anger and impatience you will destroy everything.
Sometimes it is hard enough to be brave because everybody tells you that you are doing a bunch of crap. Everybody wants you to do some common things. They want you to work on the factory or in the office, to do regular job, to make your world grey.

The only way to fight with it is to find hidden forces in your soul. You should be strong in your solutions. You should train your willpower. You have to understand that you really need it, you want it and you can't live without it. It's like in the childhood when a little girl decides to be a princess. She doesn't care that she can't be a princess. She doesn't care that she hasn't a castle. She's taking all her stuff and turns it to the fairy-tale. All of us have this little girl inside. The only thing you need is to release her and let her do everything.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Das wilde Leben

Well we'd been in a quite time of living. Two of us (Zoe and Alex) have to pass their exams in the university. So they have to study all the time. It is not good feeling when you HAVE TO do something you don't even need to. It is a kind of obligation in front of your parents, your spent time and money, your teachers... You are doing a lot of work thinking that you want to do something else. But you are not doing it because you're still thinking about your obligations. It is a kind of a circle. And you want to break this circle. To fight. To live with your dream. To be free. To live like Uschi Obermaier for example. "Das wilde Leben" is a film we watched yesterday. Wild life. Uschi was a German model who escaped from her parents house to live in the Kommune 1, to party with Rolling Stones, to see the whole world.
We watched this great movie because of the Rolling Stones at first place. But we were surprised that it is a cool rebel movie. (And you know between us girls actress in this film has an exellent breast. The most incredible part is that she shows it a lot of times)))))

Monday, March 5, 2012


Well it's been a long time since we've posted something. =) There are a lot of things happened in our life. We took the second place in the "Subways competition". That gave us 6 tickets in the VIP-lodge. We brought our friends Ann and Boris with us. The way to Ekaterinburg took about 2 hours of fun and listening a lot of different music. The concert place looked like a warehouse from the outside. Inside was better but there's no space for the large groups of people. There were like 100-150 people.
The concert was great. Fun, punk and rock'n'roll. We've got a lot of experience. Somewhere in our souls we finally realised that we want to be on stage, not on the floor. We want to rock all the places.

Here some photos from the event)))


Monday, February 20, 2012

The easiest way to live

What is the most popular question ever? - How to become a happy person? Unfortunately more than 80% of population don't do anything to reach it. The answer is that you have to just do. Like "Yes Man" you just have to say "OK" and do it. It is easier than it looks. Why do I keep talking about it? Because that is the main thing I realised from the last week. It was like: "Oh my, I did it for myself and it tooks only one week?" Before the last week I thought that it would take a month. And then the one big thought appeared in my mind. What if I will do the same things with the same speed for the whole time? I'll can do everything I want. And, you know, it is the great feeling. Like a fly or swimming.
     In case of this wave I went to the university (finally))) and passed the exam with the B-mark. I was so frightened about it. But I DID it and everything went good.
     If every single person would do everything they need right at time there will be a lot of Bill Gates everywhere. I checked that I can do much more. The only thing I needed is not to think but do. If only I would remember about it all the time))) Maybe it is a right time to do an experiment? I'll try to DO for the whole next week. Next monday I'll check my progress. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012


For the last two days we did a great job. We finally recorded the Rock'n'Roll video. It was so cool and cold. We were recording the first part in the appartment. But there were no place for jumping and dancing. So we had to hold the camera in turn. Then we took all our stuff to the street. Right on the snow. It was really cold but fun. It was pretty strange to party on the cold street without the music. =))) Thanks God nobody got cold. Well today we will ask all our friends to put "I like" under the video. Also we posted it on YouTube. So everyone can watch it. Hope you like it.

One more news but not so important is that we were on the party yesterday. We had a lot of fun. Smoking a hookah, drinking, playing games and singing. Alex was lucky enough to stay there for the whole night.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pub Audition

Well yesterday we had an audition in James Butler Pub. We were waiting for 4 hours to play because there were no customers at 3 p.m. So we played 6 songs. Then manager told us that we have to learn more songs (more english pop songs and some russian songs). After that we will come to the second audition and then they "will be glad to cooperate" with us.

Today we were listening a lot of songs and finally picked up 24 foreign songs and 8 russian songs. It was so hard to pick up russian songs that all of us will like. I hope that we will learn them as soon as possible and will pass the second audition. I saw that they liked us but we are too "raw" for playing in the bar.

Anyway it was a big step toward our dream. We were playing in the bar in downtown and they liked us. I think we can do it.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Rock'n'Roll Queen

The big news for today is our rehearsal. There were cables everywhere. A LOT of cables. =))) And we are finally recorded the audio for the Rock'n'Roll Queen. It is almost done. Last thing to do is to record a guitar solo. So we are able to make a video. Hope we will make it on thursday.

And... we are going to play in James Butler Pub on wednesday at 3 p.m. We'll appreciate everybody to come and support us.

How I "bought" a laptop

Well. Mickey asked me to make our posts more informative. I have no idea how to  do this. Actually Mickey thinks that some abstract music information in our blog will make it more specific. Like: "Metallica's songs are using for tortures in Guantanamo" or "In 1982 when Ozzy Osbourne bit off bat's head he didn't know that it was a real bat. He thought that it was a toy". I don't know if it is appropriate to use such information in the blog which has to tell about The Muzzle of Bees. Probably we can make some kind of quiz: Do you want to read any facts about music life in a blog? Impartial witness can help us deside.

Anyway today we were cleaning up after the party. Then I went to Mike's job and had a photo with him because making a photo with customer is a part of his job. But all his customers disbanded before he asked them. So I pretended to be an owner of a new laptop. =)

And we had every week meeting. We were talking a lot. About everything. We invented video-clip for the Rock'n'Roll Queen. Tomorrow we will record the audio. For the rest of the week we will have a complete video-clip.