Sunday, February 19, 2012


For the last two days we did a great job. We finally recorded the Rock'n'Roll video. It was so cool and cold. We were recording the first part in the appartment. But there were no place for jumping and dancing. So we had to hold the camera in turn. Then we took all our stuff to the street. Right on the snow. It was really cold but fun. It was pretty strange to party on the cold street without the music. =))) Thanks God nobody got cold. Well today we will ask all our friends to put "I like" under the video. Also we posted it on YouTube. So everyone can watch it. Hope you like it.

One more news but not so important is that we were on the party yesterday. We had a lot of fun. Smoking a hookah, drinking, playing games and singing. Alex was lucky enough to stay there for the whole night.

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