Thursday, February 9, 2012

Girl's Side of Life

"One day - one view" or "Zoe also has something to say".

Today it was extremely difficult to wake up. Mickey and I went to his mother's house because the plumber had to come between 9 and 12 a.m. to fix the hot water pressure. The alarm-clock was timed to go off at 7:30. Then we fell asleep again as usual. That is why we are always missing a lot of things just because of waking up too late. So, we fell asleep as I said. I woke up unexpectedly in 8:45. It was really hard to wake up Mickey. He is sleeping like a bear. =) We packed in turmoil. As you can guess we were late already. So we just made 2 cups of tea and lied on a couch to watch my favourite series of "Friends" - "The One Where They're up all night". And... we fell asleep again. I think that's a kind of sleepy day today.

Well then at noon my best friend Anna (her name appeared in the previous posts) came and we went at our place. We bought beef ribs for the pea soup. At home Anna and me went to the kitchen – because girls are not only good singers but good cooks too! So we made a salad and a soup (pretty tasty by the way). I hope that soon I can make some cheese pancake or cake or casserole or ragout or...or...or... Oh, I’m slightly going mad)))

One more news for today is that Mickey's mom accepted me to have practical training in her department in a big company. I will be an assistant in a HR-department. That means that I will have to do a lot of work for free. But it will give me good experience and some benefits in my diploma project.

I think it is all for today. I wish our day was more fascinating. I hope tomorrow will be more intense and eventful. At least I try to make it so.

P.S. I bought new socks. Red ones.

P.P.S. The soup was really damn good. =)))

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