Saturday, February 11, 2012

Baby You Can Drive My Car

It was very quiet in appartment number 3 at 23:20. Corridor was buried in the dark. The only sound was a frige buzz. There was a cold wind in every single room because windows were closed not tightly. The boy with the curly hair was sitting in front of the bright screen of the computer. His name was Mickey. He was trying to write something. At that time good-looking girl was sitting in the kitchen in front of her laptop. Time was running so fast. Different sounds were penetrating through the window. Dog's barking. Screeching of tires in the snow. Sounds of night...

Suddenly the loud knock striked the front door. The boy turned his head aside the door. In a while the knock appeared again. The boy stood up and went to the door very cautiously. He stretched out his hand to the door handle and turned it... It was dark behind the door. All of a sudden the big hand grabbed the door and pulled it. Then tall man went in the corridor. He was wearing the yellow coat, tall black hat and misted glasses.The name of the night visitor was Mike. He wanted to have lodging for the night. He greeted Mickey and went to the kitchen. The girl looked up at him. They knew each other.

Mike asked the girl: "What are you doing?". She answered: "I'm trying to write the post to our blog. "

P.S. Well that's a kind of story I made instead of post. In fact we were practising all day. And we had a rehearsal for the new song "Baby you can drive my car".

P.P.S. Probably we will have a concert in the James Butler Pub on thursday.

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