Friday, February 3, 2012

Mike's Vintage Pedals

It's silent here today, in the MOB's flat. Alex went home to help his mother as he always do every weekend. He just disappears for whole day.. Sometimes even for 2 days. Zoe and Mickey are at parents' flat too. They decided not come back until tomorrow, that's how they explained it "If there is no rehearsal we won't come".

It looks like nothing happens in our band, just time is passing through. Mike found somewhere three vintage pedals for Alex. Two of them are from Poland, the third one is somewhere from Asia made by unknown company. They work so we plan to try then really soon. Thanks to him, Zoe will now be able to play keyboards. It will diversifies our music, will make it more specific. At least we have it in our plans. Hope so...
Today Mike is alone in MOB's flat!

Tomorrow there will be another meeting again. He isn't looking for a job. The job finds him. He should get up early, look tide and finally get a a job so he can buy new drums. Music is life. Life is music.

See you tomorrow...

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